Delhi Odd Even Rule and Timing 2024 Check Complete List Online

The Delhi odd-even vehicle scheme, which allows cars with only odd or even number plates to operate, will be reinstated in Delhi in November to lessen air pollution. This happens at a time when air pollution in Delhi has reached “severe” proportions. Minister Gopal Rai of the AAP stated that the program would take place from November 13 to November 20. The day after Diwali, on November 13, this odd-even arrangement will take effect. This scheme will help in curbing the Delhi Air pollution during the festivities. Keep reading this article for further information. All the important details about the Delhi Odd Even Rule and Timing and all while are provided here.

Overview of Delhi odd-even Vehicle scheme

This will be the fourth time the odd-even automobile restriction scheme which was first introduced by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi in 2016 is imposed in the city due to growing pollution levels, even though research and experts are divided on its effectiveness. Cars with odd or even number plates are allowed to operate on different days under the odd-even scheme. The Arvind Kejriwal administration introduced the program in January 2016 and again in April of the same year. Under the system, cars driven by women, two-wheelers, and emergency and police vehicles were exempt. The Delhi odd-even vehicle scheme, which allows cars with only odd or only even number plates to operate, will be reinstated in Delhi in November to lessen air pollution.

Delhi Odd Even Rule and Timing
Delhi Odd Even Rule and Timing

Also Read: Delhi Odd Even Exemption Vehicle List

Objective of Delhi odd-even Vehicle Scheme

The Delhi odd-even Vehicle Scheme has been launched by the AAP government. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal called a meeting of top officials in the Delhi Secretariat to discuss the deteriorating air quality in the nation’s capital, and those choices were made as a result. On the morning of November 6, it was observed that the pollution level in Delhi was seven or eight times higher than the allowable limit set by the government. For the third day in a row, a toxic haze has enveloped the city. The degree of air pollution persists despite the government’s execution of certain measures, such as forbidding the entry of trucks that generate pollutants and forbidding buildings. There are numerous reasons for Delhi’s pollution, two of which are farm fires and unfavorable wind patterns.

What is odd Number vehicle?

  • Vehicles with registration numbers that end in odd digits are permitted to operate on odd dates, such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so forth, under the odd-even arrangement.
  • On odd days, only automobiles with odd numbers could be seen on the roads between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
  •  Those who broke the rule were subject to a Rs 2,000 fine.

What is even number Vehicle?

  • Vehicles registered with numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 will run on even dates, Environment Minister Gopal Rai announced on Monday.
  • Further judgments will be made based on the pollution levels over the course of the week that the plan is implemented.
  • Vehicles whose registration number ends on even numbers are permitted to operate on even days, such as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and so forth, under the odd-even arrangement.

Also Read: Delhi Motor Vehicles Licensing Of Aggregator Scheme 

Key highlights of Delhi Odd-even Vehicle scheme

Name of the schemeDelhi odd-even vehicle scheme
Launched byThe AAP government
Odd-number cars will run on odd dates and even number cars will run on even dates2024
ObjectivesOdd-number cars will run on odd dates and even-number cars will run on even dates
RulesTo reduce pollution in the city

Benefits of Delhi odd-even scheme

  • The AAP government has introduced the Delhi Odd-Even Vehicle Scheme.
  • These decisions were made when Delhi Secretariat Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal convened a meeting of high-ranking officials to discuss the declining quality of the air in the country’s capital.
  • Delhi’s pollution level was seven or eight times higher on the morning of November 6 than the government-mandated acceptable limit.
  • The city is shrouded in a poisonous cloud for the third day in a row.
  • Even though the government has implemented certain policies, such as prohibiting the entry of trucks that produce pollution and prohibiting buildings, the level of air pollution remains.
  • Delhi’s pollution is caused by many factors, two of which are farm

Delhi Odd Even Rule and Timing

  • Vehicles whose registration number ends on even numbers are permitted to operate on even days, such as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and so forth, under the odd-even arrangement. Similarly, cars with registration numbers that end in odd numbers, like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so forth, are permitted to be driven on odd dates.
  • On odd days, only automobiles with odd numbers can be seen on the roads between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.; on even days, cars with even numbers may be found on the roads at the same time.
  • Those who broke the rule were subject to a Rs 2,000 fine. To ensure the plan’s success, extra buses, a bike taxi service, and a rise in metro frequency were organized.


  • Cars with even numbers will be permitted on the road on November 4th, as the odd-even plan will be implemented on that day.
  •  Cars with odd numbers would be permitted on Delhi roads the following day, November 5. It will continue till November 14th.
  • On November 4 (Monday), November 6 (Wednesday), November 8 (Friday), November 12 (Tuesday), and November 14 (Thursday), motor vehicles with even numbers will be permitted to operate on Delhi’s roadways.
  • On the other hand, the odd-numbered cars were permitted to drive on the following dates: Nov. 5, Tuesday, Nov. 7, Thursday, Nov. 9, Saturday, Nov. 11, Monday, Nov. 13, Wednesday, and Nov. 15.
  • There would be a Rs 4,000 fine for everyone who broke the odd-even rule. Prior to now, the fine was Rs 4.
  • The Delhi odd-even plan will be in effect from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., excluding Sundays.
  • Vehicles exempt from the odd-even scheme: Two-wheelers, female drivers alone or with children under the age of twelve, and private cars carrying students in uniform (although only during school hours), electric automobiles and vehicles used by a person or people with physical impairments.
What is Delhi odd-even scheme?

The Delhi odd-even vehicle scheme, which allows cars with only odd or only even number plates to operate, will be reinstated in Delhi in November to lessen air pollution. This happens at a time when air pollution in Delhi has reached “severe” proportions.

What are the benefits of this scheme?

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal convened a meeting of high-ranking officials to discuss the declining quality of the air in the country’s capital.  Delhi’s pollution level was seven or eight times higher on the morning of November 6 than the government-mandated acceptable limit.

What is the rule behind this scheme?

Vehicles whose registration number ends on even numbers are permitted to operate on even days, such as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and so forth, under the odd-even arrangement. Similarly, cars with registration numbers that end in odd numbers, like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so forth, are permitted to be driven on odd dates.

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